Thursday, September 25, 2008

River to the Rails in Greenwood, MS

This is a show we went to in Greenwood.

This is a plate that you would use to celebrate good grades, job promotion, birthday, etc. That day you get to eat on the 'Special Plate'!!!

We made a few of these in different colors and sold out of them. Dads bought them to use as Mother's Day gifts.

I know this is a lot at one time. I just wanted to put some pics of our product on here so you can get an idea of what we do. I have more pics to come, more updated product...

Misc Items

A wedding plate for a friend...

Votive holder I painted for the girls at my Ladies Night Out Table.
Graduation gift Erin painted for a friend...

Anniversary platter for my grandparents.

Initial Plates

Very popular platters and plates. We can do this design in so many different ways. Different plates, sizes, fonts and colors. A great gift for any occasion!!

Baby Plates

These make great gifts!!

Birthday Plates

Christmas from 2007

Cake Plate

*We are making a lot of NEW ornaments this year. We will post pics when they are finished.

Old Christmas Plates!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Football Fans!!!

Chip and Dip Sets

Baby Plates

These were given as gifts to friends for a new baby.

Getting Started

So, being new to the blogging world, I thought what better way to advertise our hobby/business than a blog! I will be posting some pics of what we have done in the past and what we are working on now. If you have comments or ideas, please feel free to leave a note!